Types of Leadership in the Kings of Macbeth

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A leader is someone who can take charge of a situation and be able to make the right decisions in a short amount of time. A leader works well with others and those around him follow his instructions. Some people are natural leaders and others only think they should be in charge, but all of them are nothing without people to direct. The choice to take on the responsibility of leadership is hardly ever one’s own, especially when one is a member of the royal family and has to take command because of his bloodline. To become king is an honour that passes through a family that has earned the respect of the country. Sometimes though, the person who receives this honour is not right for the position and needs to step down by his own will or by force. Other times the heir to the throne has the perfect balance of attributes and is able to lead the country to prosperity. In literature, kings are often the main leaders and all fit into different categories both good and bad. One piece of writing where this categorization is the case is in the tragedy of Macbeth by William Shakespeare. Throughout the play, multiple characters that have different qualities and strengths hold the title of king. Two of the characters, Duncan and Macbeth, who become king die because of their positions and their leadership styles. Meanwhile, the fate of the third king, Malcolm, is unknown but gives a sense of hope and stability for Scotland. Macbeth develops these characters through their leadership types of leading from afar, leading by control, and leading by example.

At the beginning of the play, Duncan’s character develops by how he leads Scotland from a distance. Duncan is set apart from his country and only interacts with his Thanes and servants. He does ...

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To conclude, throughout Macbeth the characters of Duncan, Macbeth, and Malcolm develop because of their leadership types of leading from afar, leading through control, and leading by example. The kingdom of Scotland went through tumultuous times in the play but survived the struggles of adapting to new leaders with different uses of their powers. Not all of those who take the throne are well suited for the role and the responsibilities that one has to take on. While not everyone can control a country, everyone has leadership ability and just has to find where he can use his skills in the best way. Whenever one decides to take on a leadership role, he must know if he can handle everything that comes with that choice. Extensive thought needs to go into this choice and if one feels he cannot handle all the work he should step down and let another take over.

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