Exploring Personality Types: Impact on Organizational Behavior

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According to Carl Jung and Isabel Briggs Myers, the theory of Personality Types contends that our native Personality Type indicates how we likely deal with different situations that life presents and, in which environments we are most comfortable. Personality tests are often beneficial as a recruiting tool by providing insight into the human psyche, which provides different ways to categorize different characteristics or traits that we may be unaware of. These tests are helpful for managing people in efforts of learning how others might react to various circumstances in their environment. More importantly, personality tests can be used for self-reflection and understanding, which will help with learning how to interact with others in a team or work group. Conducting personality tests allows organizations to gain an understanding of the internal and external perspectives that directly affects organizational behavior. …show more content…

Very good

Carl Jung and Isabel Briggs Myers’
Typology Test Results
INFJ …show more content…

I believe that this is due to the very passion that I have for a willingness to learn, for self-growth, and for development. When I moved to New York City in 2011 at just 23 years old to take my first job in the Criminal Justice field at Midtown Community Court, I was so excited about how much I was going to learn there. I constantly envisioned what type of work I would be doing and even tried to do as much research about the court’s history prior to moving there, hoping to develop new ways to enhance the court’s

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