Tyler: A Fictional Narrative

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It was hard for Tyler. Under all this fame. He felt responsible for having a fan base of 'depressed suicidal teens.' Was he a bad influence? Was he not what they wanted? It was hard for Josh. All this fame, all these people, always watching. To them he would always have 'mocha eyes and C major lips.' Were they making him into something he wasn't? Was he what they wanted? They wanted to think of themselves equal to everyone else. They tried to think things like, we put on our pants one leg at a time too, we both breathe the same air that everyone else does, but they were...different. And no matter what anyone else said, different was wrong. Tyler gazed over at Josh, his vivacious red hair still, as was the rest of his body. He slept so quietly, silent. tHe PeRfEcT moMeNt tO sTrIkE. Tyler shook away the violent thought. He began to …show more content…

sTrAnGLe HiM. GeT hIm. Josh let go of the thought with a sharp exhale. With that one simple breath he'd been to loud to pretend to keep sleeping. "Oh, hey Josh." Josh licked his lips, yawned and rubbed his eyes, if he wasn't a drummer he could pass as a not-half-bad actor. "Josh?" "Hmm? Yeah, yeah" "What rhymes with orange?" Tyler was an odd person to say the least, but the words he spoke were off. His page in his book was not filled with lyrics but smudged with words like orange, purple, silver, month and discombobulate. All words that don't rhyme with anything else. "Let's go to bed Tyler, you...we were already up late at the show." Tyler's voice said okay but anyone who cries at a melancholy song with a slow beat and suicidal words would know that internally, Tyler was screaming no. That evening, on the bunk bed in the cramped college dorm-like room, Tyler said something he'd never told anyone else. And that night, laying lazily in the somehow nostalgic room something Josh shouldn't have said slipped out to Tyler. Blurry was inside them that night. They both felt so pressured by their

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