Two Ways to Reduce Prejudice

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Two Ways to Reduce Prejudice

Two ways in which prejudice can be reduced are Equal status contact

and the pursuit of common goals.

Deutsch and Collins (1951) carried out an early study of equal status

contact. They compared two kinds of housing projects, one of which was

thoroughly integrated with blacks and whites who were assigned houses

regardless of their race, and the other was segregated. The residents

of both housing projects were intensively interviewed and it was found

that both casual and neighbourly contact were greater in the

integrated housing with less prejudice among whites towards blacks. It

appeared to be environmental support, which was sustaining prejudice

in the segregated housing. This shows us that when people of different

racial groups or in fact any kind of group are put together in a

situation where they can not do much about it grow to be less

prejudice and get along more easily than those who are away from mixed

groups of people. Therefore you could reduce prejudice by mixing

different groups of people together in one community, this way

everyone has the same rights and it is of equal status.

Stouffer (1942) and Amir (1969) found that inter-racial attitudes

improved markedly when blacks and whites served together as soldiers

in battle and on ships however, relationships were not very good at

the base camp. This shows that when mixed groups are made to work

together the prejudice is reduced however when put in a neutral

situation, i.e. the base camp where they can mingle with their "own

people" this prejudice is increased once again.

Stephan (1978) looked at a number of studies and concluded that

de-segregation seems not to have reduced white prejudice towards

blacks, and black prejudice towards whites appears to have increased.

Schofield (1982) studied a 'model' integrated school, he found that at

first interaction and friendship were led by group attitudes and then

slowly started to take account of personal qualities over a three year

period. However, racial attitudes changed very little over this time.

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