The Pervasive Impact of Advertisements on Society

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The Influence of Advertisements The advertisements that people see throughout their day play a huge impact on how they act and also the decisions that they make. Advertisements are everywhere and companies are willing to pay around $340,000 for a thirty second commercial on national television, according to Nancy Wagner on How Much Does Television Advertising Really Cost, and will even pay other companies to advertise their products or way of thinking. Advertisements can be found in movies, on the radio, within television shows, and in between them. They’re outside, on billboards, and the sides of buildings. No matter where someone is at, they can almost always be under the influence of some sort of advertisement. The influences pushed onto viewers are not always positive, however. Due to the dominant presence of advertisement in the daily lives of people, companies are essentially there in every aspect. The way that businesses broadcast …show more content…

Naturally, I would smell the bottles associated with the advertisement. People tend to go after what is advertised and seen as popular. Some people are just attracted to this small bit of pornography and their reasonings for what they choose to buy may be different than mine. In “Two Ways a Woman Can Get Hurt” by Jean Kilbourne, she addresses the negative effects that these advertisements lead to. She says, “male violence is subtly encouraged by ads that encourage men to be forceful and dominant, and to value sexual intimacy more than emotional intimacy” (True Women and Real Men, Two Ways a Woman Can Get Hurt, p.457). These types of ads promote the idea that if one were to wear a particular scent, then situations such as a man being in bed with two women and a woman being around four seminude men. These are created due to the joy or some sort of pleasure that people find in

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