Twim-Personal Narrative

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Wood. Session 1. Journal
Drummer, my swim instructor, threw me off the diving board into the deep end. I was only six.
The water was cold.The walls of the pool seemed miles away.This is how I learned to swim.
My life was changed forever. That Fall I started on a competitive swim team. I could only swim five to seven yards before I had to stop. Luckily the coach had me swim in the lane next to the gutter.This was the start of my love for swimming, that I still have to this day.I swam all over
Illinois, Indiana, and many other states in the Mid-West.My swimming life took me to Florida where I swam at two of the best schools in the state.University of Florida was where my life as a competitive swimmer was brought to an end.During my swimming career, I had some of the
greatest …show more content…

I could be involved in a sport that was wonderful to me all my life. I had all my dreams planned out. My life, had again, changed forever.
I continued school. It was hard, and I finally decided to leave school and move forward with life. This event drove my desire to be successful at another career. The career was in retail with
Bed Bath and Beyond.I have been employed with them for over twenty-one years.By going through the experience of losing swimming, I was driven to be successful at my job. I knew I had to work hard. I had to put in extra time to prove myself. I had to be smart with what I earned so I could support my wife and I, and try to make a new dream. The time has come to complete what I started.I think my experience in business and the lessons I have learned will help propel me to be as successful in school. There is a lot that I have learned while working in retail that I feel will be to my advantage now as I study.I feel my mind is better prepared to study and succeed at my goal. I also have a lot more support on my side. God has given me a lot of opportunities in my life and a lot to be thankful.I have faith in him that he can get me

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