Tuesdays with Morrie

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Morrie utters these words to his group of students during a flashback throughout the second Tuesday. He told his class to execute a trust-fall exercise, in which the students examine each other’s trust and reliability by means of doing trust falls; one student will drop directly backwards and has to rely on a different student to grasp them. Not one student has faith in another until one young woman falls with no cringing. Morrie observes that the girl had shut her eyes, and says that this exercise serves as a metaphor for the secret to trust in relationships; an individual has to occasionally trust blindly, relying merely on what they feel to direct them in their decision-making. He employs the exercise in order to educate his students that trustworthiness is a feature shared by two people in a partnership, and that each individual takes a risk in trusting the other. This uncertainty, though, is a risk that people ought to take. Morrie instructs his students that trust is blind; one can merely judge whether or not to trust another person based on a natural feeling, not because of so...

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