Tuesdays with Morrie

553 Words2 Pages

oyful, sorrowful, and infuriated are all ways to think, talk, or live. There are many different paths to live your life; not only those three, there are several more. It all depends on how you see the world, on how your life will be. People with more experience, people who know how to see the world at its best, are those who are older in age. Although age is relative for experience, it will not mean that an elderly person would have a lot of experience, but most certainly he or she will have more experience than a young adult. In many cases, people learn from someone with more experience, like Mitch Albom learnt from Morrie in Tuesdays With Morrie. Morrie had many life lessons prepared for Mitch, but they were not planned. They all were for preparing him to understand his final teaching. Some of them were the way you see the world, how to give love and let it come inand chase it, and aspire to be fully human. A great way to prepare someone for a better opportunity in their life, is by helping them see the world at its best. Morrie helped Mitch to see the world in a better way...

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