Tuesdays With Morrie

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Tuesdays with Morrie by Mitch Albom was originally published in 1997. The novel successfully made it onto the New York Times NonFiction Bestsellers of 2000 and received a 4.2 /5 stars on Goodreads. The novel was eventually developed in TV movie that received not only a 7.5/10 on the International Movie Database, but the actor who played Morrie--Jack Lemmon-- in the film also won an Emmy for his exceptional performance. The story begins at Brandeis University, Waltham, Massachusetts, where a young man graduates and embarks on a journey to find himself with the aid of his mentor. His mentor was his sociology professor at Brandeis, and when he [Mitch Albom] graduated, he promised to stay in touch, but due to moving away, does not truly fulfill that promise until many years later; life events take hold of both their lives intertwine into once again. His professor has been diagnosed with Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), and he is deteriorating. Mitch grows closer to his professor and begins to consider him as a father. Mitch inevitably loses a good friend, but the ending was not necessarily a bad one, because Morrie gave him so much. Mitch …show more content…

He, who was already aging [he was 78] and already suffering the ailments that come with it naturally, reluctantly has to now relinquish all control of himself. The disease stole his independence, driving him to rely on others in order to complete basic activities of daily living (bathing, walking, eating, etc). Without the help of those around, he would not be able to dress, let alone eat. He, interestingly enough, comes to terms with this as death comes closer. He understands that without the love and support of the people who love and care for him, then he would cease to exist. He becomes enamored with the idea of impermanence from Buddhism; all things come to an end for nothing is everlasting. This allows him to accept his fate, finally be able to enjoy his final moments in

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