Tucker The Man And His Dream Analysis

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Craig Friedman MGMT of Tech and Innovation Tucker: The Man and His Dream Directed by the famous Francis Ford Coppola, Tucker: The Man and His Dream, depict the story of a bright and egotistical entrepreneur- who hopes to turn the automotive industry on its heels. Prior to causing heartache to the “Big 3” in Detroit, Mr. Tucker designed and built armored cars and gun turrets for the military out of his small shop located outside of Ypsilanti, Michigan during WWII. Despite the shop’s small size, innovation was at the forefront for each product or design that Tucker planned to release to the public. Following the war, Tucker continued to innovate and decided to switch his focus to his true love: Cars. Tucker dreamed of bringing the vehicle of the future to the front pages of American news headlines. Throughout Tucker’s mission of creating cars ahead of their generation, he faced numerous obstacles that impeded the successful transition of bringing The Tucker Torpedo to market. During this paper I will highlight Tuckers innovation process, his knowledge of the industry, and offer analysis on how he could have improved Unlike Tucker’s counterparts, innovation was the backbone of the Tucker Corporation because of his knack and eye for innovation and design. In the late 1930’s through the early 40’s, Tucker began to manufacture a new assault vehicle prototype for the U.S. government called the Tucker Tiger. The urban vehicle was well suited to operate in muddy areas and offered innovative features such as a V-12 engine and most importantly the “Tucker Turret.” The U.S. government tested the car and critiqued it saying it reached speeds that exceeded government specifications; however, the government wanted to utilize and mass produce ... ... middle of paper ... ...industry. Tucker understood the need to invest heavily in resources and other raw materials to stay on par or ahead of competition. However, Tucker lacked one thing which future innovators such as Tesla or large corporations need for sound growth, constant flowing capital and correct market timing- the market was not ready to fully embrace change, especially the “Big 3.” Additionally, due to the corporation’s debacle with Kaiser-Frazer, the SEC placed several automakers under watch which hampered Tucker’s growth and eventually led to the SEC pursuing Tucker’s company for mail fraud and violation of certain regulations. Even though the Tucker Corporation won the trial, his company’s reputation was scarred; he lost his Dodge Factor, and incurred massive amounts of debt. If Tucker had not let his ambition drive the company, we might see more Tucker’s around today.

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