Tuberculosis Essay

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As part of my study in Admission, Transfer and Discharge I will discuss on my essay regarding Admission of patient with an infectious disease namely tuberculosis. Tuberculosis is an infectious disease caused by various strains of mycobacteria, usually mycobacterium tuberculosis. Tuberculosis typically attacks the lungs, and spreads through the air. An individual who have active tuberculosis transmits the infection through the air by coughing, and sneezing. The most common symptoms of active tuberculosis are persistent cough of more than three weeks that brings blood-tinged sputum, night sweats, lack of appetite and weight loss, breathlessness which is usually mild to begin with and gradually gets worse and an extreme fatigue with unexplained pain. The ratio of tuberculosis is very high among the high risks groups, particularly the elders, smokers and those with compromised immune systems such as people living with HIV, malnutrition and diabetes.

As part of my on-going study and trainingin foundation degree in health and social care I was allocated to work in one of the challenging wards in University college hospital. In admitting patients, manual or paper and electronic records are being used. Electronic recording is used to put the patient’s details in the data base of the hospital and a patient hospital number is created during this process. Manual recording is done on paper and it should be written in black ink and a 24 hour clock should be used in doing an entry on either manual or electronic recording. It is also important that every page within the documentation must include the patient’s details particularly, the name, hospital number and date of birth. A sticker label in some cases is done mainly because it’s much conve...

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...e to organise though the number of side rooms in University college hospital is very limited. The staffs were well trained in following the trust policy regarding infection control and the procedure on isolation of patients. It is also vital that the important details of a patients is checked such as allergies, past medical history, family history, social history in which it can be linked to the present condition of the patient as given on my patient scenario wherein the he had a history of tuberculosis before migrating in United Kingdom in which it can be related to the patients present condition. Furthermore,the patient was also given advice by the doctors and dieticians regarding to make some necessary changes on his lifestyle mainly on his smoking habits. The possible spread of infection was prevented and the patient had a safe journey during the admission.

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