Truman Movie Inspired Me

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An American Movie Which Has Inspired Me
Zhang Yiheng Jacky
Can you imagine what a life will be like if it is full of fake? I have ever watched a film named‘the Truman Show’. It’s a satirical science fiction film directed by Peter Weir and written by Andrew Niccol.[ ] The story tells us about the life of a man named Truman Burbank, acted by Jim Carey, who initially knows nothing about the fact that he is living in a constructed reality television show, broadcasts all the time to billions of people all over the world. Truman becomes suspicious of the world which he lives in since he has found plenty of things and people in his town that is odd and eccentric which cast doubt. Therefore he starts a quest to discover the truth about his life.[ ]
The film exposes how modern media develops so greatly and expeditiously, and also in a way, horrible. People get diverse information from all kinds of media. The entertainment through the media also provides us immense enjoyment. In a word, media has become one of the most important things in our life. We even cannot live without it now. It re...

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