Troy Maxon: Themes And Connections In Troy Maxon

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Themes & Connections
1. Troy Maxon’s last name is a subtle combination of Mason and Dixon, referencing to the Mason-Dixon Line. The allusion to history helps to prepare a reader for the predominant themes in the play. The combination prepares one to understand about the divide between opposing sides, just as the line divided slave states from free states. Troy’s life is based off of having a sort of half and half life. He is conflicted between hope and disappointment in his life. The allusion prepares one to read about the difficulties and effects slavery has had and continues on for generations afterwards. The Line that divided north and south, demonstrates Troy’s divide with his sons and his apprehension towards them achieving their …show more content…

It is significant that we learn about the complicated element of “Alberta” before we meet Troy’s wife because it demonstrates Troy’s character flaws and lack of happiness with his life. He displays misjudgment and failure to care for his family before we even learn about his wife. It helps to foreshadow the demise of Troy before we know very much about him. It also establishes the way his character is and his lack of commitment to everyday parts of his life. This foreshadows the falling apart of their relationship and all of the relationships Troy is involved in due to his inability to look beyond the past and his illusion of a life. The teasing introduces a complication within the play’s exposition by showing how the setting and the boundaries of fences will mark important issues in the family. The struggles found in the family are introduced by this single complication and represent how the family is going to face hardships because of this single woman and her role in the …show more content…

The “blues aesthetic” plays a large role in Wilson’s play. The influence of blues on Fences includes the diction, syntax, themes, and structure. Blues are somewhat melancholy and the play is structured around a slightly melancholy tone. The play itself has a structure similar to that of a blues song given that the play gives each of the characters a way that they “walk to the beat of their own drum” and have their own sort of melody. The characters often repeat phrases, like lyrics of a song. Just like the words of a song change, the characters change mood and attitude in each new scene or act. The time in the play is also similar to the language in that it repeats often and it is manipulated to remain in this blues

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