Trojan Horse Research Paper

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The Legend of the Trojan horse started when the prince of Troy, Paris, visited the King of Sparta, Menelaus. Menelaus’s wife, Queen Helen, left Sparta to be with Paris. This angered Menelaus. So, Menelaus asked his brother, Agamemnon to siege Troy and retrieve Helen. Agamemnon was joined by the Greek heroes Achilles, Odysseus, Nestor, and Ajax. During the siege, Agamemnon and his group got into battle with Troy. Then, Odysseus had an idea to build a horse that was hollow. The plan was to hide 30 men inside and the rest to leave so the Trojans would think this was a piece offering and would take it inside the city. When nighttime would fall the 30 men would get out and unlock the gates of Troy to let the army of Sparta come in and attack Troy.

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