Treatment For Autism Essay

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Therapy: A Treatment for Autism One of every 68 children are diagnosed with autism in United Sates (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention). Autism is a mental condition characterized by difficulty in communicating and forming relationships with other people. Autism can be also associated with mental disability, struggle in motor coordination and attention. Autism appears in early childhood between 2 and 3 years of age. There is no cure for autism but early intervention can improve outcomes. Music has positive effects in children with autism. Even though there is no known ‘cure’ for autism, music may enhance socio-emotional development, improve communication skills, promotes cognitive development and contribute to emotional gratification. Autistic children often reject social contact. Music therapy enhance socio-emotional development (University 2). For autistic children understanding emotions may be very difficult. Music motivates autistic children to interact. An instrument’s sound, and shape usually fascinates the individual. Furthermore an instrument may be an initial obje...

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