Travis Hirschi's Control Theory

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Reflecting on Travis Hirschi's Control Theory--How would you apply it to the students (or other population) The way that I can apply the Travis Hirschi's Control Theory to the students at APCH is by conforming with the students at APCH to social norms which depends on a strong bond between the staff at APCH and the students surrounding community to live in today's ride or die society. By applying the Travis Hirschi's Control Theory we have to use the four dimensions to incorporate the success of the Theory. Hirschi's concern was "why don't more people become delinquent?" Hirschi's concern of why do not more people become delinquent, will be met by applying this concern to APCH it will demonstrate the success of the program and it's well being to the surrounding community that few will be delinquents and more will become successful in the near future.

When applying the Travis Hirschi's Control Theory, the social bonds have four intertwined dimensions: attachment, commitment, involvement, and belief. Any APCH student will perfectly explain why he or she at APCH will not become delinquent in their near future. Using the first dimension of attachment the students at APCH have strong connections with friends by communication, and APCH staff members that will help the students achieve many wanted goals just by having support. The stronger the attachment by the student the more likelihood of conformity the children will have by attending APCH or organizations similar to APCH's purpose. Second dimension is commitment, once the student has joined APCH's program the student has to be commitment to achieve a set goal for themselves. For example your a student at APCH mentoring a new member to APCH your goal is to teach that new member as much about APCH, life experiences, society, life lessons and basically anything that the can benefit the new member as a student, friend, and daughter or son as best you know how. Getting involve and motivate APCH's program of that offer a family environment of love, encouragement and safety. APCH provides doorways to a world of discovery, hope and opportunity for the youth of this and surrounding communities. Belief that the APCH will do well for the well being of the students that attend and the surrounding community because no one knows what is the start of a small idea can turn out to be a nationwide success.

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