Transverse Myelitis Research Paper

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One morning, a few weeks into my junior year of high school, my mother woke up and couldn't move her legs. She was rushed to the hospital, and after several days she was diagnosed with Transverse Myelitis, an autoimmune disease which inflames the spinal cord and damages the nervous system, causing intense pain and paralysis. In order to receive better care, my mother was sent to St. Dominic's in Jackson, Mississippi, about an hour and a half from where my family lives in McComb. Because my father had to work and take my younger sister to school, he was unable to stay with my mother full time. Not wanting my mother to be by herself, I dropped out of high school and began homeschooling so that I could stay with her. I remember one time, …show more content…

Now with the aid of a rollator my mother can walk. Some days are more difficult than others, but she doesn’t let it stop her from enjoying her life. Being beside my mother during this entire experience has taught me three important things. The first: your life can dramatically change at any given moment, so make an effort to enjoy today to it’s fullest. The second: you can overcome whatever obstacles lie ahead, it may not be easy, but it’s possible. The third: you must be brave. If you are not brave, you won’t fight, you won’t thrive, you will not be happy. After realizing this, I decided to take a gap …show more content…

The painting was my thank you gift to her. I never would have been brave enough to travel and be so independent if it weren't for my mother. Her experience and her courage in dealing with her illness completely changed my outlook on life. My mother told me that day in the hospital, “I don’t want you to be afraid.”, and I won’t be. I have seen stars on the other side of the world and I am going to see more. I will live each day unafraid, and chase after adventure and happiness. I will do this because of my mother, and I will do this for my

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