Transition Of Family

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In the United States, it is estimated all marriages end in divorce (Wetchler & Hecker, 2015). Divorces can be a drawn out and long process that not only does the couples go through, but the whole family. During a divorce, the family will transition through different emotions, behaviors, and attitudes (Wetchler & Hecker, 2015). There are three stages the family will transpire through, which are decision-making, restructuring, and recovery. It takes time and counseling to get a family successfully through divorce. Divorce on the family should be looked at through all aspects such as emotional, legal, economic, co parental, and psychic divorce (Wetchler & Hecker, 2015).
How Divorce Affects A Family Divorce is a transition for families and it will take some time adjusting to the divorce life or having divorced parents. Inevitably, the whole family is affected by a divorce. One way the family is affected by divorce is when children do not understand the concept of divorce and they develop emotional and behavior problems (Wetchler & Hecker, 2015). Children may not know how to handle the transition of divorce and will act out because they feel instability and confusion. Another way the family can be affected by divorce is when each member of the family …show more content…

Research has proposed substance abuse as a genetic predisposition in families (Wetchler & Hecker, 2015). If a parent is abusing substances, than the children may be more likely to start using and abusing substances in the future. Treatment for substance abuse has been seen very effective when using family and couples counseling (Wetchler & Hecker, 2015). One of the main issues when family members seek treatment is the possibility of relapse (Wetchler & Hecker, 2015). From personal experience when someone you care about relapses, it can affect the relationship

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