Transition Into Adulthood Essay

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All the different groups concerning young adults who transition into adulthood usually need some sort of plan on how they are going to make the transition as smoothly as possible. Depending on the society and the parents of the children, these plans are instituted from a young age. Parents and the American society of now days tell the children that the best plan of transitioning into adulthood is education. People go to school most of their lives and then they get a good paying job with great benefits and this will help them take care of their selves and their families for the rest of your lives. However, children are a separate unit from their parents and society and they grow up in and find other ways to transition into being an adult, such as getting married or join the military. Either way a plan is put into action starting at a young age. Once the plan is carried out, then the person is considered grown and if the plan is successful and all the goals are reached, then …show more content…

Usually when children are found to have special needs a special education plan is made of for the called an IEP. An IEP is an “Individual Education Plan (IEP). By federal law, the IEP includes a comprehensive "transition plan" during the year that the child is 16”. This plan gives the child whatever they need while they are in school. For example, for blind children all of their books are in braille for deaf children a sign language interpreter is provided. The school provides all of the one on one teachings, and counseling that is needed for children with special needs to successfully complete their high school education. But the plans only last until the children has graduated from high school or until they have reached the legal age of becoming an

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