Transgender Roles In Today's Society

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The stigma toward non-cisgendered people is detrimental to todays modern society. People view transgender individuals as "confused" and non-binary individuals as "attention seeking". In reality, these citizens are not bound by societies strict interpretation of boys being masculine and having testes and a penis, and girls being feminine and having ovaries and a vagina. I completely disagree with Doctor Carson's assumption that biological markers and organs can dictate how a person dresses, acts, or feels.
Doctor Carson has confused biological sex and gender, like so many other people do when they make rash judgements about a person in society. Biological sex refers to the genitalia that a person is born with and gender refers to the social expression of those biological sexes. Since these are two different ideas, they do not have to correlate with each other. However, todays society dictates that they must correlate due to a lack of available knowledge about transgender …show more content…

What he fails to realize is that there are many intersex individuals in society today, living as any other person would. An intersex individual was born with ambiguous genitalia or sex organs. This is usually caused by a chromosomal insertion or absence. A biological female has two X chromosomes and a biological male has an X and a Y chromosome. Some individuals are born with more than 2 X's and some are only born with one X and no resulting X or Y. There are many combinations of X and Y chromosomes that result in a person whose genitalia do not match up with the sex organs they are born with. Since these people were not born male or female, which gender does society dictate for them? The parents of these individuals usually have surgery on their children to give them a sex that correlates with the gender

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