Transgender Argumentative Essay

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On July 26, 2017 President Donald Trump announced, “After consultation with my Generals and military experts, please be advised that the United States Government will not accept or allow Transgender individuals to serve in any capacity in the U.S. Military,” over a tweet. This announcement reversed another policy of the Obama administration. Some think President Trump was wrong for this. Many all over the nation were upset by this action. The President’s actions were condemned as bigotry, although there were objective reasons for this. A transgender person is, “of, relating to, or being a person whose gender identity differs from the sex the person had or was identified as having at birth”, which means that if someone is born male but believes they are a woman and identifies as a woman then they are considered transgender. There are studies that show that transgender individuals experience suicidal thoughts and mental distress more than the average person. Not all transgender people have a sex reassignment surgery, which means people may live as a “woman in a man’s body”.The fact that people believe this means they live under large amounts of stress. A stressed person will be under even more amounts of stress if fighting in a …show more content…

People in the military are trained with people of the same sex, although, if someone was born a man and considers themselves a woman there is a problem when it comes to who they train with. If a birth male trains with women, but is still scientifically a male then there can be issues with living quarters and training standards. If there was a woman that identified as a male with men there would still be issues. No matter the situation there is no way to keep all issues from arising. The military training process is a well oiled machine that has important standards and if anything throws off this process time and resources are wasted. This is an unnecessary stress on the already extremely stressed

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