Exploring Transcendentalism Through Four Authors

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Transcendentalism has been a very vital topic in the stories we have read this year. I've learned that transcendentalism sort of means to stand up for what you believe in. We've read many pieces from the authors: Emerson, Thoreau, Krakauer, and Donovan. These four transcendentalists all have similar qualities expressed in their pieces. Michael Donovan, a transcendentalist, wrote a poem titled "It's all on me." This poem gives a mediocre piece of mind on what transcendentalism really is. In the poem he states, "Rise up" this quote shows to stand up for you believe in, in other words, rise up. This idea is also shared by Henry David Thoreau in his piece titled, "Civil Disobedience." In this piece written by Thoreau, he states, "Let every man

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