Trail Descriptive Writing

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My destination is only six miles to the top. I can do this. My hands begin to shake from the nerves. Our trail guide takes the first steps onto the trailhead, other footsteps begin following close behind. I feel excitement for the challenge I am about to take on. It starts out easy. A few beads of sweat drip on my forehead from the hot beaming sun. I feel the wind breeze on my cheek and I breathe in the smell of fresh mountain air. I hear birds chirping and feet stomping on the rocks. Almost two hours in, I hear a rush of water not too far away. We stop at a beautiful waterfall, the water gliding down the dark rocks and plunging into a pool below. Satisfaction is what I began to feel when I take a moment to rest and enjoy the view of Rainbow …show more content…

Leconte. As I walk, I allow myself to appreciate the scenery. I notice bright pink and white flowers blooming all along the trail. I am completely surrounded by gray rock, which makes the bright blue sky and green trees stand out even more. The trail is starting to become steeper and narrower. I tell myself to stay focused when doubt begins to enter my thoughts that I won’t make it to the top. My legs start shaking and my palms begin to sweat. My heart starts pounding and my head feels dizzy. I try to think of anything to keep my mind away from any negative thoughts. I start to picture the scene from the movie The Lord of the Rings when the two hobbits, Frodo and Sam, are left alone, struggling to climb to the top of Mount Doom. Right when I feel like I’m about to quit, our trail guide turns to us to let us know that the worst is …show more content…

I realize my stomach is rumbling so I grab the sandwich I packed this morning, only hours earlier and take a seat on a large rock. I notice my dirty shoes. I notice how sore my body is and how uncomfortable my feet feel. Over four hours of hiking and I feel exhausted. The trail guide stands up from where he was perched on a rock. I start to dread having to get up from rest, but then he says he would like to tell us all a story. I breathe a sigh of relief to have a few more minutes of rest. Our guide begins the story with asking everyone to raise their hand if they thought of giving up on our trail journey. More than half of our group including me raises their hand. He continues by asking us if we have heard of Gracie’s Pulpit. Some raise their hands but most haven’t heard of it. He smiles and says that it is one of many destinations throughout the trails leading toward Mt. Leconte that you can visit. Gracie’s pulpit is named after a woman by the name of Gracie McNichol who has hiked this trail and many others two hundred and forty-four times to Mt. Leconte. The last time that she hiked it was on her ninety-second birthday. Our tour guide laughs at everyone’s reaction and ends the story by saying that he’s sure even Gracie McNichol doubted herself too, but she never gave up. After listening to the story, I feel an overwhelming determination to finish

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