Traditions of Men VS The Written Word

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It’s one long humid Sunday, and your sitting there listing to the Pastor drone on and on about sin. But his argument seems empty, so you open up your bible out of boredom. Turning to First John chapter three verse 3 and 4 you read, “Everyone who has this hope before him purifies himself, as Messiah (Christ) is pure. To commit sin is to break God’s law: sin, in fact, is lawlessness” (The New English Bible). The question forms in your mind burring to be asked and answered. Finally you get the Pastor’s ear and ask “What does this mean, here in First John 3:3-4? What law is John Talking about”? The Pastor pulls out a pat answer, “The Law of Christ”, he explains, is what the text is referring to. His answer is just as empty as the other responses he’s given you about many other subjects. You might be asking yourself some of these very good questions yourself, but do you ever find a satisfying answer? Did you ever get a logical answer? Has it always been some sort of an explaining away of your question? I can show you how man’s traditions, have blinded us like a set of rose colored glasses do, to what the scriptures say plainly.
The majority of Christianity believes, the Bible is one book inspired by one God, who has chosen to reveal Himself to humankind. So why does Christianity reject the Law of Moses? Leaders in the church have propped up the tradition that Christ (Messiah) did away with it like some old rotten rag. They argue from Yeshua’s (Christ) own words in Mathew 5:17-18 “Do not suppose that I have come to abolish the Law and the prophets; I did not come to abolish, but to complete. I tell you this: so long as heaven and earth endure, not a letter, not a stroke, will disappear from the Law until all that must happen has h...

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... believer, they thought it was the law of sin and death.
How than do we remedy these traditions, that have caused such confusion for so many generations of Yeshua’s followers? We need to ask questions, remembering to confirm what is being taught from the bema (pulpit). And if we are pursuing Messiah (Christ) to mold ourselves into his likeness. We should consider walking as he did, living out the Torah in our lives to the best of our abilities.

Works Cited
Caudia Wintoch, Hebrew Idioms in the Gospel of Matthew, written 2001, Web page,
NASB, Bibleworks, LLC Version 6.0.005y: Romans 3:28, 29-3; 7:6, 14
THE NEW ENGLISH BIBLE, The Delegates of the Oxford University Press and The Syndics of the Cambridge University Press, 1961, Second Printing December 1960.
1 John 3:3-4; Matthew 5:17-19; Romans 7:22-23.

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