Perseverance through Academic Challenges: A Non-Traditional Student’s Tale

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I would like say that without the help and guidance of Sandra Buckholts and Elizabeth Clark I would have given up this semester. However, these two women gave me the encouragement to keep going when giving up was an option for me. I am never one to complain and I always manage to get my work completed no matter what obstacles I am face with. However, this semester presented me with more obstacles than I could manage. A traditional student is someone who is typically financially dependent on others, do not have children, consider their college career to be their primary responsibility, and are employed only on a part-time basis if at all during the academic year. I am not your traditional college student, I have many responsibilities outside of school which requires just as much attention as my school work does. I am not using this as an excuse as to why I could not get all my assignments submitted on time. However, …show more content…

When I signed up for classes this semester I specifically wanted all in-class because I knew that it would be very difficult for me to have access to a computer outside of school. However, it seems that every class that I signed up for this semester turned into an online class, which end up putting a lot of stress on me. I understand that some work is required to be submitted, but I did I expect to have to go back in the middle of the semester and type old assignments and submit them. Having to do this caused me to get behind in submitting other assignments. Having to complete so many chapter summaries, chapter key terms, chapter test, weekly assignments, PowerPoints, research projects, hand-made projects, practicum hours (just to name a few), you can see why a nontraditional working student would be overwhelmed. I feel it would not have been so overwhelming during the fall and spring semester, but try completing all this in two months’ time during the summer

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