Trade School Is Better Than College Essay

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Trade School is Better Than College?

Whenever someone thinks about plans after college, the first thought that almost always comes to mind, is college. Because of this, the option of a trade school is basically thrown out the window and rarely considered. Even though college is the first option for a reason and is very flexible, most of the time trade schools are better because they do not make students take unneeded classes, do not cost as much, offer hands-on experience as opposed to theory, generally take less time to graduate and focus only on the chosen field. Trade schools have been overlooked as a substitute for college since college became as big as it is now. The benefits of trade schools outweigh the benefits of college in almost every scenario, making trade schools a better option than college. The biggest reason trade schools are actually a better choice than college is the cost. While the cost of college varies depending on school and location, “ranging from 36000 to 120000 per year”(Conservatory of Recording Arts and Sciences in Arizona, 2016), trade schools generally are less than 36000 a year. The biggest reason for this is because college makes you take classes that are unrelated to your major, therefore increasing price, whereas, trade schools only make you take …show more content…

The positives of trade school are lost in the ocean of colleges seeking your attention to bring in more students. Trade schools offer lower cost, faster graduation, classes only relating to the chosen major, teach hands-on as opposed to theory and do not give students unneeded classes. For these reasons, trade schools is actually a better choice than college for post high school education when you have a specific major in mind. College flexibility is no longer the front runner these days as more and more students are deciding on majors well before

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