Tracking Finances

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Your finances determine many important things in your life such as where you live, how you live, and what you're able to do. So, it is very important that you get control of your finances. Here are some steps you can take today to start taking back control of your money and get on the path to creating wealth.

Start tracking your spending. The first step you need to take when taking control of your money is find out how you're managing your finances right now. Where does your money come from and where does it go? You may be surprised to learn that how you think it's being spent is often different than how it is actually spent.

To find out where your money is going, begin tracking it right now. Your tracking system can be as simple as a notebook page with columns, or you may want to set up a software program to help. Then write down all the …show more content…

If you don't think you can follow a budget, think of it as a spending plan instead. To get your finances on track and start saving, you will need to spend less than you make. Write down where your money is coming from and on what dates you are paid. Then figure out how much of that money is spent on bills and other necessities. Write down how you will spend the remainder.

This is where you may realize you need to cut out some expenses so you can stay within your budget. Remember to plan ahead and put money aside for large purchases. Your needs will likely change every few months, so review your budget or spending plan regularly.

Start saving. The wealthy save a portion of their income so they can invest it and watch it grow. However, most of us aren't accustomed to saving. We spend our money as quickly as we get it. To begin saving money today, contact your bank about arranging a regular automatic transfer from your account. Saving 10% of each paycheck is a good goal to strive for. While you're getting used to the idea of saving, you may want to start out by saving 5% of each paycheck and build your way

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