Trace Evidence And Trace Evidence

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Charles Darwin once said “False facts are highly injurious to the progress of science, for they often endure long; but false views, if supported by some evidence, do little harm, for everyone takes a salutary pleasure in proving their falseness” (Brainy Quote, 2013). Trace evidence is included as one of many studies that helps prove a suspect’s wrongness. Trace evidence is the study that identifies and compares specific types of trace materials that could be transferred during the commission of a violent crime. Physical contact between a suspect and a victim can result in a transfer of trace evidence. Identification and comparison of trace materials can often associate a suspect to become at fault. Educational requirements for trace evidence consist of numerous years of schooling and training in the field. History of trace evidence has shown that technology has been a great reliability in the 21st century. Large amounts of crime cases have been solved by trace evidence, because all it takes is one little hair, follicle, or fiber to fall and everything starts to come together. Trace evidence has been an incredible case solver, even if it takes over thirty years to do so.
Trace evidence is a study that identifies and compares specific types of evidence that can be transferred as a trace material during the commission of a brutal crime. Trace materials include animal hair, human hair, textured fibers and fabric, rope, feathers, soil, grass, and building materials. For animal hair and human hair, examinations are done to determine if the hair is either human or animal. If the hair is animal, then the species and breed can be determined. If the hair is human, racial characteristics, body area, length, root type, treatment, and dam...

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...umerous microscopic studies of hairs from most animals. As a result, during one of the first lawful cases ever involving hairs, Rosella Rousseau was made confess to murder in 1910. In 1945, Frank Lunquist developed the acid phosphatase test for semen, which helps find the DNA of a possible criminal. In 1950, Max Frei-Sulzer developed the tape lift method of collecting trace evidence to make things such as hairs or fibers more portable for investigators. Lastly, in the 1960’s, Maurice Muller adapted the Ouchterlony antibody- antigen diffusion test for precipitin testing to determine species of different animal types, which relates to the feather testing done for trace evidence. In conclusion, all of these past history achievements of these individuals have made trace evidence today more convenient than it would be if none of these inventors put the dedication to it.

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