Toy Advertising And Gender Essay

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Gender rooted in the brain

The second a baby is born the gender they are born with influences how people treat them. The gender they are born with will influence what they wear, what toys they play with, how they are treated etc. Gender is not rooted in the brain or genetically determined but environmentally determined. By defining the importance of recognizing that gender is not rooted in the brain and genetically determined and by refuting those who claim that gender is predetermined at birth and rotted in the brain by presenting cases of children who have identity issues based on their preferred sexuality and how they were raised, one will be persuaded that gender is not predetermined and rooted in the brain and that the way we are raised determines how we see our gender. Is gender rooted in the brain automatically or does America’s culture teach girls to play with dolls and boys to play with cars?
Television show cases a bunch of stereotypical gender roles. Children are exposed to about 20,000 advertisements a year. Which most toy commercials …show more content…

Toy commercials aimed at girls show makeup, ovens, vacuums, and dolls. Toy commercials aimed at boys show cars, guns, science toys, and construction toys. According to Jess Day “The stereotypes we see in toy marketing connect with the inequalities we see in adult life”. This can have a mental effect in girls since it's teaching them that they need to clean, cook and worry about their appearance. In 2011, Vanessa LoBue and Judy DeLoache studied a group of boys and girls between the ages of seven months and five years. Children were asked into choosing between two similar objects, one was pink, the other was blue. Kids around the age of seven months and 1 and a half prefered the blue one more. Girls around the age of two began to select the pink toy more often than the blue one and at two and a half the choice for pink more common in

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