Totalitarian Societies

540 Words2 Pages

In many real and fictionalized totalitarian societies, children live apart from their families. I believe that dictatorial leaders enforced this living arrangement because they don’t want parents to influence their children, to make sure people are loyal to the society, and to maintain everyone equal. They do this so that they have total control over their society. Dictatorial leaders don’t want parents influencing their children because they know in the end most parents would want to do what is best for their children. Dictatorial leaders want complete control over its citizens. Separating families helps this because once families are separated it makes it easier to teach all the children from a young age the same ideas. To implant the ideas that benefits these leaders to maintain a totalitarian society. Once they enforce the same rules and ideas to the future citizens it’s a way to ensure that it continues through generations. It also reduces the risk of people thinking it is wrong or unfair because the entire community was brought up with the same views on life. Many people woul...

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