Tornado Narrative

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The petrifying screeches of the sirens still haunt me to this day. When reminded of the things that could have happened, my mind automatically shuts down. The possibilities of what could have gone worse are never ending. On April 28, 2014, my house was obliterated by a tornado and my entire family was inside of it. The morning of the tornado was just like any other day. The dreadful school day commenced and all was well until rumors of a tornado whispered through the halls. Everyone was confused as to how there could be thoughts of a tornado because it looked like the perfect spring day outside. The breeze was effortless, and the sun was warming the earth with its rays. That’s when the schools started to release for the day. No school? How …show more content…

My nanny picked me up from school, and we went home to play with my little brother in the front yard. By this point, our parents had come home but wanted our nanny to stay just in case something did happen because she lived in the top floor of an apartment complex. Then the sirens went off. Fear and confusion covered our faces as we went inside to turn on the weather channel. Matt Laubhan was on the television announcing that everyone needed to get to their safe place. We were all still very confused considering there was not a cloud in sight. My mom, being the rule follower that she is, forced us all to get in our pantry. At the time, the house we lived in was not equipped with the safest places in the world. In other words, one side of our house comprised of all glass doors that lined the whole side of the house. Inside of our pantry, my grandmother, sister, …show more content…

As he was running back inside, he could not get to the pantry in time to shut the door before debris was already making its entrance. A pan that came from our cabinet prohibited him from shutting the door. Everything had suddenly gone dark because of the power going out. Then the roof was ripped off like a child playing with legos had decided to take it off. In that moment, my thoughts were going wild because ,if the roof had come off, that meant that my room was gone as well. The four minutes that the tornado hovered over my house seemed like an eternity. When all was calm, my step dad decided that he would go out first to ensure the safety of the rest of the family. The pantry that we had taken shelter in was right next to our garage, and that was the best way of exiting our house at that point. So, he went out into the garage and screamed. We were all so afraid that he had stepped on something or something tragic had happened. He was so frightened by the scenery of our crumpled garage doors and huge oak trees laying in our yard. He pried the garage door up as best he could and then yelled for us to follow. At this point, we all had some sort of glass or debris in our feet so, we slowly made our way out of the house, cringing with every step. Luckily, we lived off of Gloster Street so that made it pretty easy to find help to somewhere safe. We ended up staying with Dr. Harrison and his family back in our old

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