Topdog/Underdog Outline

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First, I would like to thank you for giving me an opportunity to present this pitch. Topdog/Underdog is a play by Suzan-Lori Parks that I would like for you to consider producing at the Voorhees Theater. In my pitch I have included a brief synopsis of the play, Theme of the play and how the production would help the fellow students. To further persuade you I have included a brief history of the past productions of the play, written review of different productions of the play, some casting choices as well as some comments from the Playwright herself regarding the Play. I hope by the end of this pitch I have persuaded you to bring Topdog/Underdog to Voorhees Theater at our very own City Tech College. So, without further a due let me begin. Topdog/Underdog is a play by American Playwright Suzan-Lori Parks which debuted in 2001 off-Broadway in New York City. The following year it opened on Broadway, at the Ambassador Theater, where it played for a while. Topdog/Underdog is a play that spins around two African American siblings: Lincoln and Booth. Their dad …show more content…

(as Booth). Marlon Lamont Wayans is a 45-year-old, comedian, film producer, actor and screenwriter. Damon Wayans Jr. is a 35-year-old, stand-up comedian, actor and writer (IMDB). As you can tell by the similarity in the last names both individuals are biological brothers. I chose Marlon and Damon because they are both brothers, African American and similar to age in Link and Booth. During my research regarding the past production of the play I didn’t come cross a cast that had biological brothers play Link and Booth. I think bringing Biological brother as Link and Booth will make the connection between the brothers stronger and more real. It’ll bring a unique spark and chemistry to the performance and the characters that’s never been seen or felt before during the production of

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