Toddlers And Tiaras Essay

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Since its invention, television has been one of the most influential forms of media to date. As tv sets grew in popularity and became a standard household item, they also become a learning tool for audiences as well. To some extent, television provides an essential framework of knowledge, and our view of society and reality, in general, is shaped by the perceptions on what and even who we watch. The issue with this is that the lines between “reality television” and actual reality become blurred, and it becomes increasingly difficult to make distinctions between both. Throughout this paper, we will examine the extent to which media represents the world in which we live. We do so by analyzing the reality tv show Toddlers and Tiaras in comparison with the news program Good Morning America. Comparing and contrasting the differences and similarities between the two, we will attempt to determine how the evaluation of This is the premise of Toddlers and Tiaras on TLC, a reality competition show that pits young girls against one another as they compete for the crown, title, prizes and cash. Following select individuals each week, the show follows the little pageant queens and their families as they travel across the country to compete in pageants in a variety of different states. False eyelashes, spray tans, flippers (fake teeth) wigs, and sparkly costumes are just one of the aspects of the show. While the premise of Toddlers and Tiaras details the contestants parading across the stage in all their made up glory to be judged on beauty, personality, talent, and costumes. Drama is imminent as the competition grows fierce, and the families of the contents lament about the struggles and sacrifices they have made to get to this point. Part fantasy and part reality, viewers, connect with the show and assess the possibility of particular occurrences similarly occurring in their

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