Tobacco Advertising On Youth

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With the loss of customers, due to quitters and people dying from tobacco related illnesses, tobacco companies are being forced to advertise to the only other option: the younger generation. The market pushes for advertising towards youth. With many companies losing money it is their only choice to make profits. This tobacco advertising towards youth is enticing them to become smokers at a very young and harmful age. Studies from the Campaign for Tobacco free kids show that “Tobacco use among youth is a major public health problem around the world. Everyday, some 80,000-100,000 young people around the world become addicted to tobacco.”(1). Countries around the world publically advertise youth smokers on billboards enjoying themselves while playing sports and other recreational activities. This false truth that these advertisements show make more children everyday become addicted to the destructive smoke. …show more content…

A website founded on tobacco awareness says, “You might not be aware of all the tobacco ads throughout your local stores - look at the placement of tobacco ads. Many are hung at a kid's eye level on doors, counters and below the register.”(“Replacement” Customers) The simple and what seem innocent ads towards adults are placed in such a way that children cannot help but see it. With the ban of tobacco companies advertising to children in 1998 they manipulate the placement of “adult” ads to still advertise to children. Also, studies have found that “… nearly 23 percent of the stores monitored had cigarettes placed within six inches of candy.” (“Replacement” Customers) When children walk up to the register with their parents they eye the candy. With the cigarette packs so close to the candy children could easily mistake a pack of cigarettes as a pack of candy because of its colors and size. This plants the thought that cigarettes aren’t bad since they are next to

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