To What Extent are Stalin's Methods Effective Than Other Leaders?

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Tsars and communists use of institutions to supress opposition were successful to an extent but Stalin’s use of the institutions proved effective because of his repressive policies, which made institutions carry out his rigid methods of stability which removed opposition. Polices like collectivisation, Five-Year Plans etc. not only supressed opposition to the extent that the masses felt powerless, but strengthened the economy with rapid industrialisation. Whereas, with Nicholas 2nd, his reforms made it easier for oppositional groups like the kadets to take over and with Stolypin, his reforms embarked upon repressive measures for social change, which focuses on some change, some continuity compared to Stalin’s regime. For example, there is some continuity with Alexander 3rd with previous dumas as the extensions in freedom of civil liberties in the October Manifesto and the limited Fundamental Law in 1906 established that Nicholas 2nd used to the duma silence the masses want of constitutional reform. The dissatisfaction made opposition inevitable like the peasant rebellion and Kadet...

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