To What Extent Is Nick Carraway A Reliable Narrator In The Great Gatsby

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The Great Gatsby: Nick’s Reliability as a Narrator The Great Gatsby is a novel that was written in 1925 by author, F. Scott Fitzgerald. It is a novel that follows various characters that reside in fictional towns within the hot summer period of 1922. The story focuses on Gatsby, a fortunate but rather mysterious man. The first person introduced into the story, Nick Carraway is a character who holds a special role. He is in charge of narrating the story from his point of view. Similar to when parents would tell their child a story from their past. Nick is a promising character who is known as being omniscient, non-judgemental, and deemed of having the up most integrity. From the characteristics listed latter, Nick Carroway is a reliable narrator …show more content…

Nick is a first person (peripheral) narrator, meaning he is not the centre of attention but always on the outside view. He seems to have gained a reputation throughout his earlier years, “So it came about that in College I was unjustly accused of being a politician, because I was privy to the secret griefs of wild, unknown to men.” (Fitzgerald, 5) He is known as being a politician in the beginning of the book by strangers solely because he went to college and he appears to be intelligent. This also gives him the opportunity to being almost “invisible” in the novel because he is, “inclined to reserve all judgements…” (5) Having these types of characteristics provide him with the ever present, all knowing, God like capabilities that make him a reliable …show more content…

To have integrity is a key point to being a reliable narrator. Nick was aforementioned to being non-judgemental. But there is much more that he can add on to his personal résumé. Nick is also a very sincere and honest person (always telling the truth). This can be seen when Nick professes to having high personal standards of integrity, “I am one of the few honest people that I have ever known.” (81) This was said towards Jordan (his love throughout the novel) and her dishonesty. Jordan is a person who is dishonest, cynical, boyish, and self centered. But she is also very beautiful and that is what entrapped Nick into having a romantic relationship with her. Nick notices that and agrees to the fact of the female deception. He willingly falls to supress the truth. Throughout the story he also has to make moral choices that hold integrity. This is always putting him in situations where it, “also made [him] the victim of not a few veteran bores… frequently [he has] feigned sleep, preoccupation, or a hostile levity” (5) some of these situations was accepting Daisy’s love for Gatsby or holding a relationship between him and Jordan. Nick is a person who tells the truth as he sees it, as an unbiased witness to the events of the story. This is important to the story because it involves the reader make him or her ask

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