To Sleep Under The Stars Literary Analysis

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“The love of a family is life’s greatest blessing”. In this quote, Eva Burrows explains that family is life's greatest blessing. Always love and keep family close. Cherish every minute with them. In Carol Shaw Graham’s short story, “To Sleep Under the Stars,” the family relationship is the most vital kind of intimate relationship across all of humanity, First, Cecilia learns that her grandmother had to miss a year of high school to be with her mother. Cecilia’s grandmother tells her a story about when she was in high school and, her mother became ill so, they had stay in the desert. “A long time ago, when I [Cecilia’s grandmother] was in high school, my mother became ill. The doctor sent her to the desert to avoid the cold winter weather. I went with her-I had to miss a year of high school. I was so disappointed at first…… I missed out on all of the fun. But in the desert, I discovered that the stars seemed to jump out of the sky. My mother and I worked that quilt all winter.”(2) Cecilia’s grandmother learned that family means sacrifice. Although she had to miss a year of high school, she made valuable memories and, helped her Mother get better along the way. By telling her this story, Cecilia’s grandmother passed …show more content…

Cecilia’s grandmother gives her a quilt after telling her a special story. Cecilia and her grandmother share a love of the stars, represented by the quilt. “ I [Cecilia’s grandmother] learned that winter how important family is. Now I want to pass the quilt on to you. Cecilia wrapped her arms around her gran. …..’ I’m [Cecilia] so glad I came to see you, and I’ll love the quilt forever.”(2) Cecilia learned that family is very important. Cecilia’s grandmother passes the quilt on to Cecilia to show her the importance of family and how much she loves her. In conclusion, Cecilia learns about the importance of family through her grandmother’s

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