To Kill A Mockingbird Quotes

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The classic novel, “To kill a Mockingbird” by Harper Lee is a captivating and profound novel that gives you an insight on racism in southern USA. The book has opened my eyes to the way humans are quick to judge and condemn each other based on their social class and race. The book offers a trip back to the 1930s where I can visualize the prejudice against African-Americans in Alabama. Throughout the book many passages and quotes stood out. The seven quotes I chose hold a heartfelt message of racism African-Americans face. They also represent the theme and symbols portrayed throughout the novel. From the many themes that occur in the novel, the one that stood out to me is racism towards African Americans. At the end of the novel Scout states, …show more content…

This quote clearly demonstrates that by expressing Lulu emotions in a negative way when Scout and Jem visit an African-American church. This quote also connects to the overall theme of racism. During the trial Tom Robinson told Atticus that “if you was a nigger like me, you’d be scared.” This quote was very powerful because these types of conflicts still occur to this day. Till this day we see an unfair justice system in United States, where black are treated harshly by the police, as well as sometimes being falsely accused of a crime. Innocent African-Americans should not be held accountable because of their race but on evidence. Again this quote connects to the major theme of the novel racism. In the novel Atticus mentions, “When it’s a white man’s word against a black man’s, the white man always win.” I chose this quote because I realize that many individuals choose one person word over …show more content…

Citizens of Maycomb County are quick to spread rumors about Boo Radley and develop certain character traits for him. They act a very hostile when Boo Radley is brought up in a conversation. This quote connects the idea of the otherness due to Maycomb County citizens behaving a certain way towards Boo Radley. Before we judge an individual it is very crucial to see their point of view and understand their upbringing or way of living. In the novel, Atticus gives a speech saying“you know the truth, and the truth is this: some Negros lie, some Negroes are immoral, some Negro men are not to be trusted around women- black or white. But this is a truth that applies to the human race and to no particular race of men” This quote is crucial because it is an individual’s character that predicts how terrible they are, not the race. I choose this quote due to the negative speculation attached to Islamic people within politics and society. All Muslims are terrorists or every Muslim believes in honor killings etc. These believe should not be attached to the whole race and religion but just the individual. The last and most powerful quote of the

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