To Kill A Mockingbird Power Quotes

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On the other hand, power can also be used by people for their own benefit. The Finches had gathered together for Christmas in order to spend some time with family, but Scout and her cousin aren’t getting along well, “‘Where’s Francis?’ ‘He’s out yonder in the kitchen. ’ … Francis came to the door and yelled, ‘Grandma, she’s got me in here and she won’t let me out!’ … ‘I haven’t got him in there, Aunty, I ain’t holdin’ him. ’ …‘Don’t you fool with me,’ he said” (84). When Francis lies, “she’s got me in here and she won’t let me out!”, he is using his power to squirm out of blame and put it on Scout. Knowing that he is Aunt Alexandra’s favorite child, Francis self-centeredly uses it to his advantage by lying about Scout and prejudicing Aunt …show more content…

Although she doesn’t know these people personally, she automatically justifies their actions with bigotry against them. Furthermore, during the trial, Tom Robinson recounts his experience of Mayella raping him and says, “‘She reached up an’ kissed me ‘side of th’ face… She says, ‘Kiss me back, nigger. ’ I say Miss Mayella lemme outa here an’ tried to run but she got her back to the door an’ I’da had to push her. I didn’t wanta harm her, Mr. Finch… ’” (194). By saying that Mayella said, “kiss me back nigger”, Tom is illustrating how Mayella irresponsibly used her power obtained from being white. She degrades him with the word “nigger” and puts herself in a position of advantage where he would not be able to fight back, as he is a black person. Her language implies that she thinks of him as lower being than her and how she’s offended because Tom did not want to kiss her back. Tom also adds that he said, “Miss Mayella lemme out of here”, which shows that he struggled against Mayella. However, she persistently continued to force him to her will; he is not allowed to leave and is treated as if he were a dog. Even after hearing Tom’s cries for help Mayella does not stop and continues to selfishly only think about herself instead of how her actions

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