To Kill A Mockingbird Passage Analysis

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How does it feel when one grows into adulthood? How does it feel to abandon the comfort of childhood and crash into maturity? Jeremy Finch has an extraordinary youth experience. From arrogantly antagonizing Boo Radley to slowly putting the pieces together of the ‘big picture’ of what was happening in Maycomb county. Three major events within the scattering of subplots and happenings that helped Jem mature is the entire ordeal of the radley tree, whe Jem stands up to Atticus in front of the mob, and the attack after the play. Each of those moments Jem loses a significant parts of his innocence. He learns important lessons and finds important truths. Thus, changing into a more adult, a more mature, a more understanding version of himself. …show more content…

In the beginning of this Jem was very skeptical about the findings in Radley tree. “Don't you know you’re not supposed to even touch those trees over there? You’ll get killed if you do!”(Lee 45). He ignorantly believed what the town told him and didn't look at the facts and truths of the Radleys. Majority of the sayings about the Radleys are unproven rumors, most of which stemming from Ms. stephanie crawford. “So jem recieved most of his information from Miss Stephanie Crawford, a neighborhood scold, who said she knew the whole thing”(Lee 13). It’s very childish to believe something terrible about someone without ever meeting them or encountering their actions. However, as time goes on Jem slowly puts together the pieces of what’s true about Boo Radley. This happens when Jem starts to enjoy these gifts from the Radley tree. Jem and Scout decide to write a letter to this person but when they try to they find the knothole has been cemented and they ask Mr.Radley why. After talking to Atticus, Jem realizes he’s been lied to and the realization starts to come upon him. “When we went in the house I saw he had been crying”(Lee 84). This subplot is really where one can see Jem start to mature for the first …show more content…

Atticus wanted to protect Tom from being ambushed in his cell but a lynch mob, containing the local men of Maycomb, showed up. Scout, Jem, and Dill had know clue that this is what Atticus went to handle and followed him. Scout runs up to Atticus and Jem and Dill follow her. Soon after Jem realizes that their presence was holding back the crowd from attacking. However, Atticus tells Jem to go home but he refuses knowing what will happen if he does “Son, I said go home. Jem shook his head”(Lee 203). By now Jem has matured enough to realize what was going on in front of that jail cell. He knew that if he went home with Scout and Dill his father was going to get hurt by this lynch mob. It took courage to stand up to his father but especially since he had to do so in the presence of a mob. He was willing to defy his father if it meant that his father would be safe because of that. That takes maturity and wisdom to see, a child’s intellect doesn't run that far into thought and consideration. This is an event that really acts a catalyst for Jem’s entry into

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