To Kill A Mockingbird Essay On Family

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FAMILY IS ... What does family mean to you? Many people have multiple families at home, at work, at school or at church that are essential to their lives. The unconditional love of a family that accepts you no matter who you are, with no hatred or judgement, and provides all they can for their loved ones. Family is where happiness, respect and understanding come first; where people make an effort to understand each other. Everyone is able to share laughter, joy, tears, success, failures and problems. The connection created between individuals adds value to the lives of a human being; however, relationships are not always perfect. Conflicts emerge within families, especially with the parent-child relationship as it is qualitatively different than all other relationships. In Atticus by Ron Hansen, Atticus and his son, Scott, have a complicated relationship due Scott’s …show more content…

Since Rakesh was very well educated because of his father’s support, while Varma had little to no education, their thoughts were influenced by their background knowledge. Rakesh had put a lot of effort into keeping his father healthy, but Varma only saw betrayal for restricting his diet and refusing to let him die. Both sides were unaware of each other’s thoughts which created the darkness that covers the brightness of the lights. FORGIVENESS Forgiveness often occurs in family relationships, but it is a process, not an event. It is normal for human beings to make mistakes as long as they repent and change their actions. Even though forgiveness can be hard for some people, it strengthens the bond of a relationship as individuals grow into a new person. Atticus reveals his forgiveness for his son when his son has altered a new life for a new start; while Rakesh has forgiven his father every time he rejected his son’s treatment to preserve his life.

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