To Kill A Mockingbird Essay On Atticus Finch

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“You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view...until you climb into his skin and walk around in it.”~Atticus Finch. This quote shows the personality of Atticus Finch...loving, kind, understanding, and not prejudice. Atticus is the father of Scout and Jeremy Finch. Atticus is a caring father that believes in everyone. He understands what it feels like to be judged and he tries to see things from different sides. As a lawyer for a black man, Atticus goes against his community to protect someone that needs help. Atticus Finch is a role model to all people who live in Maycomb county. Although Atticus seems like the perfect human being, he is being judged about his family. Atticus, Scout, and Jem are scoffed everyday for being “Negro lovers”. Due to Atticus defending a black man (Tom Robinson), his community judges him for defending someone who “doesn’t deserve to be defended”. At school, Jem and Scout Finch are mocked for having their father being a lawyer for Tom Robinson. …show more content…

She dresses in overalls and hates wearing dresses. Many older women in the community judge Atticus for allowing Scout to act as a boy. Scout is not very lady-like, and she refuses to wear dresses. She also gets in fights at school. Due to the complaints about Scout, Atticus’ sister, Aunt Alexandra, moves in and teaches Scout the ways of a lady. Atticus tries to teach his children the right things in life. Although some people disagree, Atticus keeps on teaching them in what he believes is right. This includes the killing of mockingbirds. Atticus tells Scout and Jem to never kill a mockingbird, for they are only sweet creatures who make beautiful music. They have not done anything wrong, and they don’t deserve to die. Atticus Finch raises his children according to his own beliefs and

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