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Many stories people read are written for the express purpose of entertainment and sometimes even to persuade, but few are written to teach a moral. The story “A Fable with Slips of White Paper Spilling From The Pockets” written by Kevin Brockmeier does just that. Although relatively short, the story is filled with words of wisdom and life lessons that are meant to instill a sense of selflessness. The story is about a man who finds God’s overcoat from which he finds prayers from the people he encounters. Kevin Brockmeier makes exceptional use of magic realism and symbolism to teach a moral lesson. The use of magical occurrences or fantasy in Brockmeier’s story plays a crucial role in the development of the overall moral lesson in the story. Brockmeier writes that the man magically finds a slip of paper in his pocket with a prayer on it. He writes, “He discovered a prayer that read, Let someone speak to me this time – anyone, anyone at all – or else…” (265). Although this can't actually happen in real life, this element in the story shows that even though someone may experience through...

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