Tipping Point Case Study

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CHEZSANA MARIE FLORENTINO OCTOBER 15, 2014 MKG622M (Public Relations Management) PROF. JONES T. CAMPOS The Tipping Point: How do little things can make a big difference By: Malcolm Gladwell Be the Change Everything reaches to its tipping point, the signal of a potential change. It simply explains how trends do happen. In the book, tipping point was defined as an epidemic wherein contagious agents spread the message. Just like how do things go viral and spread contagiously nowadays. In addition, the author conveyed the message of change or how do little things can make a big difference through the following rules: the Law of the Few, the Stickiness Factor and the Power of Context. To explain further, a good …show more content…

As little as 8 to 30 seconds, people fairly form lasting impressions about you. It can be based on your appearance, confidence, intelligence, competence and etc. For example, if you went to a job interview with clean and professional look, there is a high chance of getting the half way to the finish line. Meaning, you will be more likely to get the job than others. On the part of the interviewer or job recruiter, this method of judgment has always been tedious. As experts say, “a recruiter should have eyes that pierce through candidate’s mind and soul. He should be a fair judge who is very well able to identify the right choice and nourish them”. So, therefore, first impressions are important. Blink tells us stories about the power of our rapid cognition like judging from first impressions. The author simply called it thin slicing. It is a response wherein the receiver would be able to process information (message) quickly like the blink of the eye without having the subject explains well to him. The author also introduces it as a cure for any information overload by letting your intuition do the work for you. The secret behind here knows which information to discard and which is to keep, to make a highly accurate

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