Time's Inevitable Passage In Our Town By Thornton Wilder

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Time’s inevitable passage and the changes brought about by it is a theme epitomized by a little town in New Hampshire known as Grover’s Corners. In the play Our town by Thornton Wilder the above stated theme is demonstrated again and again. Whether it be through the subtle changes in characters, the way the play starts and ends, or simply the realizations that occur to the various characters in the town. All in all, this book highlights the theme repeatedly throughout all three acts of the play.

One of the ways time’s inevitable passage and the changes it may bring is illustrated in the play is through the shifts in characters as time goes on. Some evidence backing this can be found on pages seven and 49. On page seven as stated by the stage …show more content…

On page four the stage manager states, “The First Act shows a day in our town. The day is May 7 , 1901. The time is just before dawn.” And on the last page of the book, again stated by the stage manager, “Hm…. Eleven o'clock in Grover’s Corners.- You get a good rest, too. Good night.” To some, this could just seem like arbitrary information. However,It is no coincidence that it played out this way, it symbolizes the inescapable passing of time. The story begins in the wee hours of the morning then the story goes on, and ultimately it ends at nighttime. This is allegorical, the way the book starts and ends directly correlates to the theme. It represents the fact that time passes, and there is nothing or anybody who can change …show more content…

On page 108 Emily makes a couple of statements that brilliantly support the theme. One is, “It goes so fast. We don’t have time to look at one another.” And soon after she says “Do any human beings ever realize life while they live it?-every,every minute?” And then on the next page, or page 109, Simon Stimson comes to a somewhat similar conclusion, “To move about in a cloud of ignorance; to go up and down on the feelings of those… of those about you. To spend and waste time as though you had a million years.” Both Emily and Simon Stimson are deceased when they raise these points so they have first hand experience with what they are talking about unlike any live person could.What they are saying directly backs the concept of time’s inevitable passage. What they are saying goes along with the famous phrase “Time waits for no man”. These two are just realizing in this scene that time unforeseeably goes on whether people realize it or not. All of the above pieces strongly reinforce the

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