Time is Nothing yet Time is Everything

551 Words2 Pages

How do you define something as vast and infinite as time? Is time expressed as the days, weeks, or years we have left? Or is it reflected upon the triumphs and shortcomings of our former selves? This is a test you can’t fail for there is no set answer. It could be literally anything because everything you say will have took time; even just thinking of an answer. Existence is time and time is existence. A countdown had started even before life itself; a countdown that has no zero. Or does it? In the broadest spectrum, we as humans are nothing but clocks; constantly measuring time till even after death. Every decision we make, has a direct influence on time. Time is nothing yet time is everything.
Time is so old that no one knows when it was born. Yet so young that no one really knows when it will conclude. Did time begin with Creation as depicted in the Christian Bible? Or did it begin for you the instant at which you were born? Regardless of your religious (or spiritual) beliefs, time began at a date that you cannot draw a memory. If you have the slightest illusion of a memory, the...

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