Ti Noel Character Analysis

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Ti Noel: The main character in this book. He began as a slave in his young age. He is a salve of M. Lemoramand. However, he becomes a free man later. His significance in this book is to provide help on many activities in Haitian revolution. He also makes a perspective of how a Haitian slave views of the revolution.
M. Lemormand de Mezy: He is a white man owned plantation with many slaves. He has many slaves including Ti Noel who is the main character. He represents the group of people who against the revolution. However, he can do nothing against the rebellion since the number of salve owners is very low when compared with the number of slaves. He leaves for Cuba and begin drink that makes him loss everything.
Cap Francais: This is a big city which located on the coast of Plain du Nord. Cap used for many times to represent this city. This is a place that people went there to get supplies and equipments. "Ti Noel had to go to the Cap to pick up some harness that had been ordered from Paris for state occasions"(51).
Toussaint: He was born as slave. However, he became a free people and joined slave rebellion. The significance for him is the leader of the rebellion. He directed other slaves and told them what to do.
Dessalines: He is also born as slave. He indicated that he is emperor of Haiti. However, he was killed by his citizens because he did many actions that are cruel. His significance in this book is showing the great number of people who tried to make Haiti under their control. This is harmful for country and people.
Sans Souci: This is a palace which was built by rule of Henri Christophe. This is a place that represents the old Haiti because it was built by salves but owned by slave owners. The significance is showing the su...

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... labor). This revolution brought enough equality and liberty.
8. Ti Noel concludes the opinion on equality had changed. He knew definitely equal was not good for country. He thought people always think they should have more. They always trusted the best was not on their hand. People usually wanted to become better. This is a positive outlook that indicated through Ti Noel because wants made people progress.
9. Carpentier portrays the revolution to show his view on different cultures and the differences between people. He wrote his view through the struggles of other cultures. The destroying of the San Souci could be considered as slave owners struggle. Moreover, the superhuman powers such as never dead and transform into animals which was referred many times through the book. It was also important since it gave people hope so that the revolution can process success.

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