Thrones Research Papers

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Game of Thrones is a popular TV show that originated from the book series A Song of Ice and Fire by George RR Martin. Game of Thrones is set in a medieval world filled with magic, warriors, power hungry families and an occasional dragon. Game of Thrones is not a light easygoing show; it is a very graphic show, with a rich plot that you have to see from the beginning to understand what is going on. I would not suggest this show to anyone that is easily offended or is not interested in making the long-term commitment to it. Though if you love long dramatic TV shows filled with great adventures and some mystery, then this show is for you. This TV series is both entrancing and repulsive. Game of Thrones follows many different charters with vastly wide beliefs and characteristics. The main plot features the four families the Starks, …show more content…

HBO says that Game of Thrones had become their most popular TV show in the history of HBO. Game of thrones is both complex and rich in plot and character development. But despite these facts and good ratings some reviewers have given it bad reviews in one case I read that Ginia Bellafante a New York Times reviewer say that Game of Thrones is just boy fiction which she is basically saying that Game of Thrones is just for boys. This review caused a lot of bad credit to the New York Times and mostly the reviewer Ginia Bellafante. Ginia Bellafante intentions were to create a bad image of Game of Thrones, but what this reviewer really did was create a lot of good reviews with constructive viewpoints on it pointing out that good and the bad of the show rather then just generally giving it a bad review. For example Emily Nussbaum who did quite a bit or research and time into writing The New Yorker review on Game of Thrones. Overall Game of Thrones is a well casted well-written show with a great fantasy plot, and is a great show for people how love to binge watch

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