Three Witch Sisters In Macbeth

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The main problem in a Act One is that the three witch sisters got into Macbeth’s head and basically psyched him out. Everything was fine before the sisters came into the picture. Macbeth would not have became so obsessed with himself if he had not of listened to the witches. Also, the fact that their first prophesy came true in line 109, “who was the Thane lives yet”, proved to Macbeth that their next few might come true also. Banquo was told in line 67 “thou shalt get kings, though thou be none”, implying that he will never be king but his children will be kings and their children will be kings and so on. This messed with Macbeth, he felt threatened by Banquo’s sons. The witch sisters started the drama by telling Macbeth his prophesy. They

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