Three Types Of Personnel Strategies For Position Classification

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Q2. Explain 3 types of Personnel Strategies with reference to their implications for Position Classification. What is meant by hybrid or mixed personnel strategy for adopting position classification? Explain the following terms: Rank-in-job vs. Rank-in-person; Open-Personnel Systems vs. Closed Personnel Systems; sand Lateral Entry. a. The three types of personnel strategies are: 1) election, 2) appointment, and 3) rules composed of merit, seniority, and representativeness factors. Electoral systems emphasize values, debate, political responsiveness, and generalized knowledge of government. Elected leaders are required to serve terms and be reelected periodically if they wish to pursue a career in government. There are two types of elected …show more content…

Explain the differences between Job Design and Job Analysis. Explain the fundamental importance of Job Design. Define the following terms: Job Specialization; Process Re-engineering; Job Rotation; and Job Enrichment. a. Job design is specification of job features, primarily the duties, the quantity of work expected, and the level of responsibility. A job analysis is a systematic process of collecting data for determining the knowledge, skills, and abilities required to perform a job successfully and to make numerous judgements about it. Simply put, with job design you are designing a new job position vs. job analysis you are evaluating an existing position. b. The duties include the major work functions to be accomplished; the quantity of work aspect is determined by the balance of those duties. Level of responsibility relates to the independence of the incumbent and to where the position will be placed in the organization hierarchy. Other aspects of job design include, when the individual will carry of responsibilities, the order of tasks, competencies the individual will need to perform the job, and training the individual will need to do the job and so …show more content…

Discuss the various purposes and uses of Job Analysis. Briefly explain the reasons why Job Analysis is regarded as a powerful, relevant, and useful personnel instrument. Fully discuss Information Collection Methods for conducting useful and relevant Job Analysis. a. Job analysis is a process of collecting data form determining the knowledge, skills, and abilities required to perform a job successfully and to make judgements about the job. The process of analyzing a job is used a tool for recruitment, classification, selection, training, and appraisals to name a few. Job analysis provides a current information which can be used to write job descriptions and job rankings assisting with position classification, in terms of recruitment this process provides information that is up to date for position announcements. Job analysis helps determined selection criterion that is both legal and practical for the selection process. This process also aids in identifying and detailing competencies needed to perform the job as well as any gaps that exist between those competencies and incumbent performance, this is crucial information for training and development. The identifying of concrete standards and cataloging evaluation criteria is another use for job analysis, this can potentially aid with employee appraisals. Lastly, job analysis is critical in making reasonable accommodations for those individuals who are disabled and in the redesigning jobs

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